During my Computer Science education, I have came across tons of worthless discussion specifically in terms of languages, frameworks online and offline. Since I have been there, I don’t blame those spending their time on that types of discussion. However, that decision you may make due to your personal preference may cause inescapable swamp.

What the heck is technical debt?

Simply, it is the cost you have to pay beause of bad technical decision. It may be caused by poor design, wrong framework, bad architecture, lack of time, and further bad recruitment. Have you ever done overhaul of your project because of adding one more feature? or even one change? Have you ever spent days, weeks changing existing module design, class name without adding features? Moreover, because of that, have you ever passed your due date? and not get paid or not received good grade? If you ever fit in at least one of examples, you suffer from technical debt and it is time to break your self-comfort zone and see more world.

We have to make THE decision

No matter how big is your project, projects have specific goals and these consists of small tasks of business rules(or requirement). For example, you are tasked to create Web Application which may help hotel customers to pay their parking fee with their credit card. (Of course, it is a simple version) What would you come up with in order to achieve this application? Are you going to use C, C++, Rust, Go? No you may come up with one of web application framework in Javascript, Java, Python, Ruby. Thus, we have to make THE decision at this moment. For example, if you choose Javascript, it’s great. Community is so active there are so many useful and industry-level trustworthy libraries. But you have to deal with weaker-typing and late-binding compared to Java.

Don’t be tied with language, framework

You better consider this with all fields, such as database(SQL vs NoSQL vs Graphic QL …), cloud service(private cloud vs public cloud), public cloud(AWS vs Azure vs GCS vs PCF …), etc…

Short Conclusion

Every famous framework, language has their purposes, intentions, strength, weakness on their official website. It may takes time to make decisions. But, it is worthy to know.